Refund & Return Policy

Refund Before Shipping

If you want to cancel the order before shipping, please send email to and include your order number. After receiving your mail, we will issue you a full refund within 2 working days.

Refund After Shipping

If your parcel is damaged during transportation, please send us photos of the damaged goods by emailing within 24 hours of receiving them. If the item is completely unusable, we will send you a new one for free. If it is a minor defect that does not affect the function of the product, we will compensate you up to 50% of the price of the goods.

If we determine that your parcel is lost in transit, we will offer to re-ship without additional charges. We will re-ship the replacement parcel using the original shipping method you paid for. Should you want to upgrade to a faster shipping method for the replacement parcel, you will be charged the difference between the original method and the upgraded shipping method. 

Please be aware that there is a difference between a parcel that is lost in transit and a parcel that is missing after it has been marked "Delivered" by the courier. If a parcel has been marked as delivered but you cannot find it, we are unable to do anything. We cannot issue a refund or send a replacement, and we cannot file a claim for a parcel that has been marked as delivered. We recommend you check at an alternate entrance to your domicile, at a neighbor's house or apartment, or at the front desk of your apartment complex or place of business to see if the parcel has simply been misdelivered. If the parcel is not in one of those locations, please contact the courier to see if they can help locate your parcel.


If you need to return the product, please send an email to and explain the reason for the return. After receiving your mail, we will process and send the return address within 2 business days. Please note that you will be responsible for the shipping cost of the return.